
Which is the correct order of dipole moments  of $BF_{3},NF_{3} $ and $NH_{3}$?

A) $ NH_{3} > BF_{3}>NF_{3}$

B) $BF_{3} > NF_{3} > NH_{3}$

C) $NH_{3} > NF_{3} > BF_{3}$

D) $NF_{3} > NH_{3} > BF_{3}$


The elements with the highest  and lowest electron gain enthalpy  in group 16 respectively  are

A) O;Te

B) O;Po

C) S;O

D) S;Te


Identify the correct order of ionic radii of the following ions.

A) $Al^{3+} > K^{+} > Mg^{2+}> Li^{+}$

B) $K^{+} >Mg^{2+} > Al^{3+} > Li^{+}$

C) $K^{+} > Li^{+} >Mg^{2+}>Al^{3+}$

D) $K^{+} > Mg ^{2+} >Li^{+} > Al^{3+}$


Which of the following series correctly represents the energy of the radiation?

A) Radio waves > X-rays >visible > IR

B) UV > X-rays > IR >radio waves

C) $\gamma$-rays-IR > visible >micro wave

D) X-rays > UV > IR > microwaves


In the Millikan's oil drop method, which of the following force does not act on the oil drop?

A) Gravitational force

B) Viscose force

C) Magnetic force

D) Electrostatic force
